painted prose&poppysmoke--
a paroxysm of paradox and pain;

HIRA is a figurative illustrator and sequential artist working in traditional media with a BFA in sequential art from Savannah College of Art and Design earned in 2010. Her work centralizes beauty contextualized by the dark and obscure by which it is commonly veiled, and strives to evoke connection to the human experience by forced introspection surrounding our relationships with what is universally denied at the core of human emotion--grief, loss, horror, hope, and despair. Like funerary rite, HIRA's paintings are buried in and contextualized by the language of flowers, lending euphemism to beautified decay beneath. Using personal experience such as loss, addiction, and disorder, HIRA aims to breathe life into the oft forgotten--those subjects about which we dare not speak, dare not turn an eye upon.

HIRA can be found streaming on twitch weekly working on a variety of projects including the DUNE Tarot Deck and Paradise Lost. It is there that a more intimate connection is fostered between HIRA and her audience, and where the veil between creator and creation is pierced.